" 不仅是保护生命,而是恢复建康 "

Tuesday, June 24, 2008




出生于1936年2月,他首50年的人生过得非常独特。即,一个充满起起落落的人生。大平博士自幼丧失双亲,由阿姨带大。因此,他从小生活在福井县至初中毕业。虽然他应该继任他姑母的家族事业,但是他热衷于学习与研究,于是,他便飞到岗山县其他亲戚家投靠。在岗山,他通过奖学金和兼职毕业于高中。然后成功进入岗山大学的农业学院。毕业之后,他加入了Ohi证券公司(当今的Wakoh证券)。在10 年的服务期间,他展现了特出的表现。1971年,他离开该公司并继续报读岗山大学的农业学院以满足他的求知欲。在哪儿,他学习了地形的知识 。

在完成课程之后,他建立大平庭院和公园设计事务所。 (这引领他到马来西亚并发现乳酸菌。) 在他的事务所,他自愿从事设计及监督马来西亚的一个公园长达5 年。这1.5ha(大约4英亩) 的公园座落於哥打金拿巴鲁最高法院的附近,纪念着马来西亚和日本之间的友谊。由于他的贡献,他被颁ADK(Ari Daja Kinabalu)头衔,是1981年9月马来西亚政府所颁授的一个头衔,而大平博士是继松下幸之助先生(松下电器公司的创始人,如今称Panasonic) 之后,第二位获得ADK头衔的日本人。

大平博士与乳酸菌的相遇是三十年前的事情了。在马来西亚邀请的接待会内,他因喝了当地酿造的烈性酒后感到不适。一位当地的年轻小伙子便把一杯像似麦芽糖浓浆的饮料交给他说道:“请食用一匙,您将感到比较舒服“。大平博士在半信半疑的情况下尝试了该饮料。出乎意料之外,他在两个小时内竟然完全清醒! “那是什么东西?” 从哪儿开始,大平博士便开始研究乳酸菌。


在一年的艰辛准备之后,他报读岗山大学的自然科学及科技学院。他的研究主题当然就是乳酸菌。他飞往东南亚国家,因为据说这里存有丰富极好的细菌,并且自己开始研究细菌。他在到访了几个地区后,从16种食品当中发现、分离并且鉴定了15种细菌。在这些细菌当中,他发现了其中一种天然菌种,其蛋白水解能力比其它同种的细菌还强大6.25 倍。这就是大平的关键细菌。

之后,大平博士的研究成功地持续至他1990年3月获取自然科学的博士学位。在次年的8月,他的博士论文:东南亚传统发酵食品的乳酸菌分配和生物化学特性,让他获得日本酪品科学协会所颁于的奖项。那已是他在马来西亚神奇的经验的13 年之后。







谁是大平猪一朗博士 ? 



  1. 研究与开发利用乳酸菌或有利微生物制成的反过敏性食品(大平原生素,马子六 和peninsula)
  2. 研究如何利用乳酸菌或有利微生物于有机农作物/水果以预防重复耕种相同庄稼于同一片土地上所将引发的问题。(BTO液体肥料)
  3. 研究乳酸细菌与抗细菌物质MRSA。

由于大平原生素不是药物,所以它没有具体的服食规则。不过,我们建议成年人每天吃3到5个胶囊,而孩童则每天服食1个胶囊。我们也建议您依据您的体质和状态调整服食量。3 分之1 的人,其粪便充满着微生物体和它们的尸体。一部分的乳酸菌基本上不生活在肠内。因此,他们不倾向于呆在肠内而可能被粪便排出。所以我们建议您每天都服食大平原生素以确保您的长期健康,让大平原生素的超级乳酸细菌能一直停留在您的肠内。 




在室温(摄氏20度以下或者华氏70度以下)下,大平原生素的质量保证期为生产期后的两年。大平原生素胶囊内的腐败细菌有较少的机会在胶囊内增长,因为他们总在高糖的环境下重复发酵。即,大平原生素不会腐烂;这是传统的食物保存技术,利用糖来保存食品的原则。大平原生素被制定两年的质量保证期是因为由于其乳酸菌是活的,而那时期是其最活跃的时期 (尤其是其蛋白水解的活动)。因此,若大平原生素被储放在阴凉的地方(如冰箱)里,避免太阳的直接照射,它的有效期将被延长。 



大平原生素为什么需发酵超过5 年?

通常,所谓的发酵是在被控制的理想温度下生产。不过,在生产大平原生素的时候,我们并没有刻意控制其发酵温度,大平原生素是在完全自然的温度下生产。因此,其发酵物质是在自然的速度下产生。因而需要花费超过5 年的时间完成它的生产。 




21st Century Probiotics

Ann Louise Gittleman - Total Health Magazine - 11/1/2001

Recently, while doing research for the revision of my book 'Guess What Came to Dinner', I discovered a new break through dietary supplement product for the recolonization of the intestinal tract now available in the United States. The product is known as Dr. OhhiraProbiotics OMX 12+ and is named after Dr. Iichiroh Ohhira, a renowned microbiologist from Japan. In my opinion, his probiotics is the most unique probiotics in the world today. This award-winning formula was recognized as the best product of the year by the Japanese Food and Dairy Association, which also named Dr. Ohhira as "best scientist of the year."

Iichiroh Ohhira, Ph.D., who studied at Okayama University in Japan has dedicated his life to the study of human bacteria and how to improve human health by ensuring the presence of adequate colonies of friendly bacteria in the colon and elsewhere.

After more than 20 years of thorough research, Dr. Ohhira scientifically concluded that good health prevails when the friendly bacteria in the GI tract are properly colonized and ill health often is the result of too great a colony of bad bacteria. He also found that the consumption and short-term presence of good bacteria alone does not lead to good health unless the digestive tract is free from the onslaught of the harmful bacteria. This beneficial condition can only be realized by reconditioning the colonic pH. Simply introducing friendly bacteria in large numbers will not resolve the situation because an unfavorable colonic condition has already been created. Such a condition is conducive to the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

Probiotics OMX 12+ contains a proprietary blend of 12 unique strains of live lactic acid bacteria that maintain the optimum pH in the colon that is necessary to combat pathogenic bacteria like E. coli. This completely non-dairy and organic product is the only one I have found that also provides a special strain of lactic acid bacteria that has been proven in vitroto kill the most virulent antibiotic-resistant superbugs like Staphylococcus aureus. The best news of all for worldwide travelers like me is that the product has a shelf life of more than three years and does not require refrigeration due to the unique encapsulation process that Dr. Ohhira developed.

Within every human being is a flourishing, living colony of approximately four pounds of bacteria. Most of these bacteria reside in the human digestive tract although some are found elsewhere (i.e., the oral cavity, throat, etc.). Absent a sufficient number of friendly bacteria known as "probiotics," human life could not exist. When a human fails to maintain a sufficient number of good bacteria in the body, disease will occur and death likely will follow.

It is extremely important for us to cultivate and maintain a healthy colony of good bacteria in the GI tract, a colony that is composed mainly of several strains of living lactic acid bacteria. Ideally the microflora colony in the digestive tract should be composed of a ratio of 85 percent friendly bacteria to 15 percent harmful bacteria. The regular consumption of a high-quality probiotics product that contains numerous strains of living lactic acid bacteria will enhance a person's efforts to maintain a healthy microflora colony of bacteria in the digestive tract.

The human body, although created with a proper ratio of good to bad bacteria, frequently alters the ratio of bacteria as a result of today's modern lifestyle. The use of antibiotics inhibits not only bad bacteria but also good bacteria, thus permitting bad bacteria to invade the GI tract and multiply in high numbers that disturb the delicate balance between the good and bad bacteria. This balance also is upset by the use of oral contraceptives, steroids, exposure to radiation through x-rays and radiation therapies, excessive consumption of chlorinated water, the consumption of refined sugars and other refined foods, poor digestion, poor elimination of waste, stress, an unhealthy diet, etc.

Scientists have determined that when the delicate balance between good and bad bacteria is adversely altered, the body is overloaded with toxins and disease. According to imminent health care professionals, toxins emanating from the GI tract are the cause of most chronic diseases and illnesses.

Scientists also have determined that there are many negative health effects that stem from the loss of probiotics, including the lack of recirculation of female hormones such as estrogen and the overgrowth of detrimental, disease-causing bacteria and yeasts such asCandida albicansStaphylococcus aureusE. coliYersinia enterocolitisClostridium dificile, etc. The presence of too few probiotics encourages the production of endotoxins in the GI tract, which contributes to lupus erythematosus, pancreatitis, psoriasis and other skin conditions. A shortage of probiotics allows partially digested proteins to enter the bloodstream, contributing to eczema, nervous system disorders, rheumatoid arthritis and a variety of other immune system disorders.

GI tract problems such as leaky bowel syndromeulcerative colitis, spastic colon andirritable bowel syndrome are contributed to by a loss of probiotics and the appearance of detrimental bacteria. Specific strains of detrimental bacteria are known to cause severe health problems. For example, E. coli may lead to problems with insulin and blood sugar function. Yersinia enterocolitica produces substances that cause the over-production of the thyroid hormone. This detrimental bacterium reportedly also contributes to various autoimmune diseases.

The colonization of the friendly bacteria in the GI tract begins at birth. Dr. Ohhira and other scientists observed that a high percentage of children nourished on mother's milk enjoy good health and a stronger immune system when compared to bottle-fed infants. He also observed that these children acquire a larger number of friendly strains of bifidobacterium when compared to bottle-fed children who have few or none at all.

Dr. Ohhira noted that the acidic colon condition of breast-fed babies remained within a constant range of pH 5.5 to 6.5. His studies have established that the lactic acid bacteria that colonized the colon of infants created this acidic condition. The organic acids, produced by the lactic acid bacteria present in the colon, prevent the survival of harmful bacteria in the baby's intestinal tract. This inherent condition forms the first line of defense for the baby against any form of illness.

As Dr. Ohhira delved further into the science of good health, he discovered that certain naturally fermented foods consumed in Asia are a rich source of lactic acid bacteria. After years of studying the known strains of lactic acid bacteria occurring in fermented foods indigenous to Southeast Asia, Dr. Ohhira developed an award- winning probiotics that recolonizes the microflora in the digestive tract and enhances good health – a product that is several technological generations ahead of other probiotics.

Ingredients of OMX probiotics include 92 types of natural crops including special leaves, bark, herbs and fruits, which grow wild in a vast region of the Kibi Highlands and Hiruzen Highlands of the Chugoku district in Japan, several kinds of seaweed and various organic vegetables. This proprietary blend is combined with 12 strains of lactic acid bacteria, which include the most prominent strains of bacteria possessing the highest proteolytic power in the world. In fact, scientists have established that the lactic acid bacteria contained in Dr. Ohhira's probiotics OMX 12 plus are 6.25 times stronger than any naturally occurring lactic acid bacteria.

Dr. Ohhira also has found that the excessive use of antibiotics has led to the creation of new strains of "super" bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics. To combat these new harmful invaders, Dr. Ohhira team developed a special, transient TH 10 strain of friendly lactic acid bacteria that was successfully isolated from the Malaysian food delicacy – tempeh. This special TH 10 strain has been found during in vitro studies to be effective against the most potent antibiotic resistant MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus) super bug as well as the E. coli 0-157 and H. pylori bacteria, the cause of most peptic ulcers.

The transient, combative TH10 bacteria may be the most important strain of bacteria in Dr. Ohhira's probiotics because it kills and eliminates harmful bacteria found in the colon. It also aids in the removal of toxins produced in the colon by the bad bacteria. After consumption, the TH 10 bacteria reside in the GI tract for an extended period of time where they flourish and coexist with the "colonizer" bacteria, like the lactobacillus and bifidobacterium strains that inhabit the intestinal walls. The colonizer bacteria aid in digestion and the absorption of nutrients while along with TH 10, form a barrier against the invasion of bad bacteria.

The special TH 10 strain of bacteria, as well as the 11 other strains of live lactic acid bacteria, are created during a five-year period that includes a two-year natural fermentation period (during which time superior raw materials are introduced into the probiotics mixture), a two-year "maturation" process and a one-year period that permits the final modification of the product, all accomplished in a natural temperature environment. During this five-year period only organic ingredients are used, including wild herbs and fruits collected from the cold mountainous Chugoku district of Japan and seaweed carefully harvested from Japan's deep and cold ocean.

During the two-year maturation process the creation of the four organic acids ( acetic, formic, fumaric and lactic) are carefully monitored. Inspections are conducted to determine the pH and nutrient levels in the fermentation product and to guard against contamination. Inspections also assure compliance with stringent Japanese good manufacturing practice (GMP) standards. When the product accumulates a scientifically preordained level of organic acids, the raw paste is ready for encapsulation.

A special enteric-coated capsule permits the product to remain highly viable with a stable shelf life of more than three years. The encapsulation method also assures that the 12 strains of Lactic Acid Bacteria are not hostile to each other as occurs when certain strains of LAB are artificially mixed together. Unlike other probiotics products it contains 12 strains of friendly 'live' Lactic Acid Bacteria that number in the billions as well as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, organic acids, naturally developed fructooligosacharrides (FOS) and important natural by-products, such as hydrogen peroxide.

Dr. Ohhira probiotics OMX 12 plus is a 100 percent natural, non-dairy and vegetarian formula. Chemicals, preservatives, artificial additives, coloring agents and animal by-products are never used. Only naturally maturing organic fertilizers are used in the growing process. Chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides are not permitted. Mountain spring water is the only liquid used in the product.

Each of the ingredients in OMX 12 plus probiotics is readily absorbed and used for various functions of the human body. When the colon contains a ratio of 85 percent good bacteria to 15 percent bad bacteria, the nutrients contained in foods, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other dietary supplements consumed by a human being are properly absorbed and utilized by the body. This enhances proper cellular functions and strengthens the body's natural immune system.

In human trials conducted at Okayama University from 1979 through 1991, 1250 subjects were randomly chosen from a sample of 5000 persons and studied. The following research findings were confirmed. for those persons consuming Dr Ohhira OMX Probiotics 12 plus: 

  • Improved digestive functions
  • Decreased incidences of digestive ailments
  • Decreased incidences of stomach ailments
  • Decreased incidences of bloating/heartburn
  • Improved liver function
  • Improved circulatory function
  • Improved bowel function
  • Decreased incidences of constipation/diarrhea
  • Improved joint and muscle function
  • Improved resistance to allergies
  • Increased nutritional absorption
  • Improved vitamin synthesis
  • Increased energy
  • Decreased presence of yeast infection
  • Decreased incidences of certain other infections
  • Decreased incidences of oral cavity infections
  • Provided better lactose tolerance
  • Improved sleep functions
  • Improved appetite

Probiotics-21st Century Heroes

Probiotics-21st Century Heroes

Posted on: Wednesday, 19 October 2005, 03:00 CDT

By Gittleman, Ann Louise

Over the course of my career I have authored 25 books on health and healing. My book, Guess What Came to Dinner: Parasites and Your Health, published in 1993 and updated in 2001, first introduced America to the unwanted guests living inside of us, and how a healthy gut populated with at least 85 percent beneficial bacteria is the first line of defense against these hidden invaders. I also discovered the most helpful aid in assuring an optimum population of beneficial bacteria and parasites-proofing the gut with probiotics, the friendly flora. Friendly flora protect the system against pathogens by preventing them from attaching to the intestinal lining. The beneficial flora interfere with the ability of some parasites to adhere to the gut lining by blanketing all available surfaces-thus limiting the colonization of certain microscopic invaders like Giardia, yeast like Candida, and bacteria like E.coli.

Recently we were very alarmed to discover that most parasites- like the Smart Bugs today-have grown antibiotic and in some cases even herb resistant. For example, in the 8os and early 90s, most parasitologists would recommend a single course of Flagyl, the most commonly prescribed antibiotic, to quickly knock out Giardia, Amoeba hystolytica and maybe even Blastocystis hominis (the most common parasite of all these days). Then the patient would follow-up with a good probiotic for six weeks or so. Today, it might take three courses of Flagyl to kill these "smart protozoa," and then they reappear-Flagyl resistant.

Throughout the world, killer diseases such as typhoid, malaria, TB, and gonorrhea, which have all been treated in the past with antibiotics, are now showing resistance to the same drugs. Our awareness of the deadly Smart Bugs began in the mid 90s when the most common types of bacteria-the Pneumococci-that cause pneumonia, inner or middle ear infections, meningitis, and fatal blood stream infections started to show resistance to penicillin. Ten years ago, about 5 percent of these kinds of infections resisted penicillin- now the number is over 35 percent.

This problem is becoming so critical that a group of international researchers of the American Society of Microbiology gathered in San Diego several years ago to sound the alarm that a new breed of disease-causing bacteria is becoming immune to a long list of common antibiotics, and vaccines can't keep up with them either.

Probiotics are the single most important daily supplement to protect the body against antibiotic resistant bacteria-like the methicillin resistant Staph aureus. Drug resistant staph infections are most commonly spread in America's hospitals through un-hygienic practices like unwashed hands of doctors or nurses, or an unclean stethoscope or bed railing.

According to the CDC, of the ten million patients entering U.S. hospitals, about two million catch bacterial antibiotic resistant infections and 90,000 die from them (this makes hospital infections in the U.S. the number five killer).

So I have come to believe that the best way to get rid of parasites and other pathogens is to make sure you don't get them in the first place, to create an environment which is inhospitable to them.

Probiotics are undoubtedly our 21st century heroes. Probiotics mean "for life," and this term is currently used to identify those good bacteria that have a documented beneficial effect on health. Probiotics, you will note, are the opposite of antibiotics, which mean "against life."

Probiotics do many good things for our bodies besides functioning as a second immune system and manufacturing natural antibiotics. Probiotics:

* Digest food, especially fat, protein, and carbs

* Treat inflammatory bowel disease, colitis, Crohn's, spastic colon, diarrhea, and Diverticulitis

* Treat arthritis, asthma, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, Epstein Barr virus, HIV/AIDS

* Control acne, psoriasis, and eczema

* Control acid reflux, heartburn, and peptic ulcers

* Control excess LDL cholesterol levels

* Improve circulatory function

* Prevent urinary tract and vaginal infections and inflammatory bowel disease

* Increase energy

* Balance sex hormones

* Maintain radiant, healthy skin

* Slow down the growth of pathogens

My latest book, The Fast Track One Day Detox, also utilizes probiotics, but this time as part of my detox weight loss protocol. As stated, friendly bacteria help to ward off pathogens, while helping you to digest fats, proteins, and carbohydrates more efficiently. When your body is finally digesting and absorbing nutrients at peak efficiency, you won't be nearly so hungry. You will be able to eat far less food with far greater satisfaction, resulting in effortless weight loss.

Fast Track debuted on the television program 20/20 this past April. It sent shock waves through the traditional medical community when I suggested that toxins and obesity were related, and that it was time we looked beyond just diet, exercise, and heredity for answers. It's not just "calories in, calories out" anymore. We know for example that common drugs can pack on pounds. How often do we hear about people shooting up 20 pounds on Paxil or 30 pounds on a Depo-Provera birth control shot? There are at least six groups of meds in which drugs can pack on the pounds for literally millions of unsuspecting users: think of antidepressants, antidiabetes drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, mood stabilizers, and synthetic hormones. Well similarly, I believe, and the science concurs, that environmental mimics like pesticides and plastics found in food and drink packaging, flame retardants, hair sprays, shampoos, vinyl floors, dental composites, and water pipes are also unsuspectingly making us fat. In fact, a U.S. symposium entitled, "Obesity: Developmental Origins and Environmental Influences," that took place just a year ago confirms that in utero and neonatal exposures to environmental toxins that function as endocrine disrupters play a role in human obesity.

Expanding Waist Lines

The environment is not only making us sick, but it is also making us fat. According to Dr. Paula Bailie Hamilton, who published her work in the 2002 Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, between the years of 1930 and 2000, the rise in the use of synthetic chemicals matched the rise in the number of overweight and obese adults in the U.S. Many animal studies with pesticides support his theory. Even with food intake cut by 50 percent, when animals were treated with various chemicals they more than doubled their total body fat. Growth hormones and many pesticides in the food supply are making both humans and animals fat. Pesticides act as toxic nerve agents, virtually paralyzing the functioning of certain areas of the brain involved in weight control by increasing levels of fattening hormones and increasing appetite.

Weight Loss and Toxicity: The Missing Link

We are THE toxic generation and therefore must become the DETOX GENERATION. The solution to all of these conditions is to limit consumption of animal fats because most oil-soluble toxins accumulate in fat. The problem is not the saturated fat content found in animal foods, it's the toxins that are stored in the animal's fat. Choosing organic dairy and meats, as well as eating organic vegetables and fruits, is another helpful way to lower your exposure to fattening toxins. For good measure, it is imperative to fortify our intestinal tracts with good bacteria, because over 75 percent of the immune system's receptor sites are located in the GI tract-so the GI tract, especially the colon, functions as a secondary immune system.

Here's where a good probiotic can enter the picture. R. Fuller undertook the most recent and accurate description of probiotics in 1989 that redefined it as "a live microbial feed supplement beneficial to the host by improving the microbial balance within the body." Think of a probiotic like you do your daily multi-it is, perhaps, even more essential.

Basically, there are over 100 trillion bacteria and around 400 different strains residing in your GI tract. The key is to have enough of the beneficial and essential bacteria. The optimum balance is 85 percent friendly bacteria to 15 percent unfriendly bacteria. And the trick is to make sure that if you take supplements for your probiotic needs, your supplement can really perform.

There are certain strains of lactic acid bacteria that can attach to your intestinal lining and produce antibodies that are lethal to the most disease producing bugs like the methicillin resistant staph, as well as E.coli (which is harbored in manure used as fertilizer and then shows up on your imported foods) and H.pylori- the bug that causes ulcers, heart disease, migraines, and glaucoma. Simply put, probiotics crowd out the bad bugs by occupying most of the parking space in the bowel wall.

The most promising probiotic strain to be discovered since Metchnikoff isolated the beneficial bacteria from yogurt is the TH10 strain researched and formulated by Dr. I. Ohhira, one of Japan's leading microbiologists, and a team of research scientists from Okayama University.

The TH10 strain is now available here in the U.S. in a probiotic formula known as Dr. Ohhira's probiotics 12 PLUS. I have been an educator for this product for nearly five years since I discovered it and have found that after one day, my sensitive stomach no longer expe\rienced bloating, flatulence, and other assorted discomforts. The product utilizes primary research, not borrowed science.

For more information contact the U.S. distributor, Essential Formulas. They would be pleased to send interested individuals an index of relevant research materials and product information. You may contact them at 972-255-3918 or info@essentialformulas.com.

The Perfect Probiotic

* Contains only the recognized strains of lactic acid bacteria native to the human Gl tract.

* Can survive stomach and bile acids-enteric-coated capsules

* Can attach to the intestinal wall without damage

* Is free of chemicals, preservatives, and artificial additives

* Is hypoallergenic (including the capsule) and is CMO free

* Guarantees colony forming units (CFU) of at least 1.5 billion per gram

* Contains natural FOS as fortification and nutrition for the friendly flora

* Contains the medium in which the culture was grown (the supernatant) for beneficial growth by-products like antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins, and immune stimulators

* Does not require refrigeration at room temperature

* Has a shelf life of two or more years.

* Is safe for lactating mothers, babies, infants, and immunecompromised individuals.

The challenge we face in zist century America is that there are many modern day insidious and hidden factors that destroy our friendly flora. These include:

* Overuse of primary antibiotics

* Second hand antibiotics from beef, chicken, and pigs

* Yeast overgrowth like Candida albicans, which crowd out the probiotics

* Radiation

* Bacterial infection

* Excessive fiber intake

* Overuse of antiseptic natural agents such as Echinacea, barberry, goldenseal, and colloidal silver

* Chlorine and fluoride in the water

* Stress

* Excessive sugar intake

Ann Louise Cittleman, Ph.D., CNS, holds a doctorate in holistic nutrition. She has appeared on The View, Dr. Phil, and Good Morning America and has been featured in the New York Times, Harper's Bazaar, Family Circle, Newsweek, Time, and many other publications. The bestselling author of The Fat Flush Plan and Before the Change and a columnist for First for Women, she lives in Post Falls, Idaho.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Don't Waste Your Money on Mediocre Probiotics

Don't Waste Your Money on Mediocre Probiotics

These Are the Best Ones I've Ever Found

Women's Health Letter - October 2004 - Nan Kathryn Fuchs, PhD - Editor
Nan Fuchs writes: "Last month, you saw how taking the wrong probiotics can cause major health problems. Now, I'd like to show you how taking the right probiotics can save your life!
The doctor told Joan that her 95-year-old mother, Bernice, was unlikely to survive the night. The massive doses of antibiotics she had been given for her severe bacterial infections were not working. Her doctor advised against giving her any probiotics because he didn't know what they were."
Nan Fuchs continues: "But Joan felt there was nothing to lose. She knew that probiotics were beneficial bacteria that fight harmful ones, so she gave Bernice the strongest probiotic formula I'd ever found. The next morning, her mother was sitting up in bed and eating!"
"I saw a tunnel," she told Joan. "At the end of it was a white light and lots and lots of white clouds." She had also seen her parents and long-dead husband. Bernice had certainly been close to death. Now she was back for a while, thanks to a probiotic so strong it's been shown in university-based studies to kill antibiotic-resistant super-bugs.
Don't expect results like this from just any probiotic. Many have very little activity. They may help your digestion or reduce your candida symptoms, but they won't turn your health around like the best formulas can. Unfortunately, you can't judge probiotics by the company that sells them. Some good supplement companies sell friendly bacteria that don't do much. Let me tell you how to identify the best.

The right strain
Nan Fuchs says: "Most probiotics list the species of bacteria used, but not the strain. Saying a product contains Lactobacillus acidophilus is not enough. The strain appears after the type of probiotic (Lactobacillus) and species (acidophilus), like Lactobacillus acidophilus R0052 or L. acidophilus NAS."
"There are more than 400 species of protective and harmful bacteria in your digestive tract and hundreds of strains within each species. Some strains are harmful and some are ineffective. Others may be safe with little activity, or both safe and potent. There's no way to know unless the strains are identified. Every strain of probiotics you take should be listed and tested for safety and effectiveness. Testimonials alone just won't do. If the label doesn't list the strain, ask the manufacturer," she says.

Survival and the fittest
Bacteria need to stay alive after passing through your stomach. But live bacteria often don't survive the trip to your intestines because stomach acid (HCl) kills both good and bad bugs.
For better survival, you can take probiotics after meals when your stomach contains less acid. Or on an empty stomach the first thing in the morning and before going to bed at night. But there's a better, simpler way. Take only probiotics that have been coated to survive stomach acids, not those in ordinary capsules.
"Probiotics don't necessarily contain the amount of bacteria listed on their labels. They may have when they were manufactured, but many have died off in the bottle. Look for a guarantee of potency after the bottle has been opened. Here are the best probiotics I've ever found," says Nan Fuchs. 

#1 - Dr. Ohhira Probiotics OMX 12 Plus
The strongest, most effective probiotic product I've ever found is Dr. Ohhira's Probiotic OMX 12 Plus, which is distributed in the U.S. by Essential Formulas. It's an enteric-coated product that contains 12 strains of lactic acid bacteria as well as micro-nutrient by-products such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, FOS (probiotic food), and bacteriocins (nature's own antibiotic).
Ninety-two plant products are fermented together for five years to produce OMX Probiotic 12 plus, which also contains organic acids. These acids help the probiotics stick to the intestinal walls and colonize. No other company I know of has done research on the adhesion ability of its particular formula like Dr. Ohhira.
Dr Ohhira also developed a special strain of bacteria, Enterococcus faecalis TH 10, from a fermented soy food (tempeh). This strain is more than six times stronger than any other naturally occurring lactic acid bacteria. It's the formula I gave Joan for her mother. I also used it with patients whose intestinal problems did not respond to other strong probiotics. In every case it worked, and it worked quickly.
Studies show Dr. Ohhira probiotic OMX 12 plus is effective against H. pylori (a source of ulcers and migraines), E. coli (food poisoning), and even the super-bug that causes staph infections (Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus). Probiotic OMX 12 plus helps regulate the bowels like no other formula I've heard of. And an added bonus is OMX probiotic's ability to help increase bone density in women over 40.
Dr. Ohhira's helpful OMX 12 plus bacteria formula does not need to be refrigerated and has a three year shelf life. If you have a serious problem, or a condition that isn't responding to other probiotics, try OMX probiotic twelve plus for at least one or two months. Then take one capsule a day or switch to a good, less potent formula.